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    CRISPR tools in bacterial whole-cell biocatalysis
    (2023) Mulet, Ana Paula; Ripoll, Magdalena; Betancor, Lorena
    Biocatalysis has emerged as a promising alternative to conventional chemical processes for the production of a wide range of chemicals, providing a sustainable solution to the problem of limited resources due to an ever-increasing global population. This approach involves the use of biobased catalysts, such as whole microorganisms or enzymes, to perform chemical conversions. While whole-cell biocatalysts offer advantages over the use of free enzymes, limitations related to productivity and undesired compound production have been observed when using microorganisms. Offering high specificity, broad applicability, and increased efficiency over traditional genetic engineering methods, CRISPR-based technologies may be the quintessential tool for the fit-for-purpose design of efficient bacterial biocatalysts. In this work, we aim to demonstrate the potential of CRISPR-based technologies to enhance whole-cell bacterial biotransformations for a more sustainable obtention of industrially important products. We have included a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the current state of the art, emphasizing challenges and opportunities for future research. Through a critical analysis of reported examples, we intend to highlight the opportunities and advantages offered by CRISPR-based technologies in the field of biocatalysis for more efficient, sustainable, and translational processes.
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    New perspectives into Gluconobacter-catalysed biotransformations
    (2023) Ripoll, Magdalena; Lerma Escalera, Jordy Alexis; Morones Ramírez, José Rubén; Rios Solis, Leonardo; Betancor, Lorena
    Different from other aerobic microorganisms that oxidise carbon sources to water and carbon dioxide, Gluconobacter catalyses the incomplete oxidation of various substrates with regio- and stereoselectivity. This ability, as well as its capacity to release the resulting products into the reaction media, place Gluconobacter as a privileged member of a non-model microorganism class that may boost industrial biotechnology. Knowledge of new technologies applied to Gluconobacter has been piling up in recent years. Advancements in its genetic modification, application of immobilisation tools and careful designs of the transformations, have improved productivities and stabilities of Gluconobacter strains or enabled new bioconversions for the production of valuable marketable chemicals. In this work, the latest advancements applied to Gluconobacter-catalysed biotransformations are summarised with a special focus on recent available tools to improve them. From genetic and metabolic engineering to bioreactor design, the most recent works on the topic are analysed in depth to provide a comprehensive resource not only for scientists and technologists working on/with Gluconobacter, but for the general biotechnologist.
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    Bacteria-polymer composite material for glycerol valorization
    (2023) Ripoll, Magdalena; Soriano, Nicolás; Ibarburu, Sofía; Dalies, Malena; Mulet, Ana Paula; Betancor, Lorena
    Bacterial immobilization is regarded as an enabling technology to improve the stability and reusability of biocatalysts. Natural polymers are often used as immobilization matrices but present certain drawbacks, such as biocatalyst leakage and loss of physical integrity upon utilization in bioprocesses. Herein, we prepared a hybrid polymeric matrix that included silica nanoparticles for the unprecedented immobilization of the industrially relevant Gluconobacter frateurii (Gfr). This biocatalyst can valorize glycerol, an abundant by-product of the biodiesel industry, into glyceric acid (GA) and dihydroxyacetone (DHA). Different concentrations of siliceous nanosized materials, such as biomimetic Si nanoparticles (SiNps) and montmorillonite (MT), were added to alginate. These hybrid materials were significantly more resistant by texture analysis and presented a more compact structure as seen by scanning electron microscopy. The preparation including 4% alginate with 4% SiNps proved to be the most resistant material, with a homogeneous distribution of the biocatalyst in the beads as seen by confocal microscopy using a fluorescent mutant of Gfr. It produced the highest amounts of GA and DHA and could be reused for up to eight consecutive 24 h reactions with no loss of physical integrity and negligible bacterial leakage. Overall, our results indicate a new approach to generating biocatalysts using hybrid biopolymer supports.
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    Combined learning and optimal power flow for storage dispatch in grids with renewables
    (2024) Porteiro, Rodrigo; Paganini, Fernando; Bazerque, Juan Andres
    We propose an optimization and learning technique for controlling energy storage in power systems with renewables. A reinforcement learning (RL) approach is employed to bypass the need for an accurate stochastic dynamic model for wind and solar power; at the same time, the presence of the grid is explicitly accounted for through the “DC” approximation to the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) to impose line constraints. The key idea that allows the inclusion of such instantaneous constraints within the RL framework is to take as control actions the storage operational prices, which may be suitably discretized. A policy to select these actions as a function of the state is parameterized by a neural network model and trained based on traces of demand and renewables. We call this combined strategy RL-OPF. We test it on a trial network with real data records for demand and renewables, showing convergence to a control policy that induces arbitrage of energy across space and time.
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    Queueing analysis of imbalance between multiple server pools with an application to 3-phase EV charging
    (2023) Ferragut, Andres; Paganini, Fernando
    We consider systems where multiple servers operate in parallel, with a particular feature: servers are classified into d classes, and we wish to keep approximate balance between the load allocated to each class. We introduce a relevant imbalance metric, and study its behavior under stochastic demands with different task routing policies. For random routing, we analyze two cases of interest, depending on whether capacity constraints are operative: we obtain expressions for the stationary distribution and analyze the scaling behavior of our metric as a function of system size. Subsequently, we analyze active routing to the least loaded class, obtaining sharp bounds for the imbalance metric. As a practical application, we study the problem of imbalance between d = 3 phases, for the service of electrical vehicle charging. We show the engineering relevance of our imbalance metric in this context, and validate the theoretical results with simulations and real traces from EV charging data.